Slotted Screen Basket – importance and advantages
Slotted Screen Baskets are highly effective at removing contaminants with elongated or irregular shapes, resulting in improved removal efficiency and pulp quality. Additionally, it offers greater flexibility and reduced plugging compared to screens with circular holes, leading to a higher yield of usable fibers in the final paper product.
Slotted Screen Basket Working
It is mounted inside the pressure screen and acts as a filter. As the pulp slurry flows through the pressure screen, the slotted basket allows fibers and water to pass through while retaining larger contaminants, impurities, or oversized fibers. These retained materials are then removed from the process, ensuring that only clean and high-quality pulp moves forward in the papermaking process.
Importance of Slotted Screen Basket in quality paper making process and advantages over circular hole basket
Separates contaminates of different shapes
Slotted screens are particularly effective at removing contaminants that have an elongated or irregular shape, such as stickies, which tend to align with the slot and be retained by the screen. This improves the removal efficiency of these contaminants compared to screens with circular holes.
Reduced fiber loss
Slotted screens tend to have a lower fiber loss compared to screens with round holes, as fibers can more easily pass through the slots. This helps to maximize the yield of usable fibers in the final paper product.
Improves pulp quality
The use of slotted screens can result in improved pulp quality. As the slots are more effective at capturing and removing stickies and other elongated contaminants, the resulting pulp has fewer impurities that can negatively impact the papermaking process and the quality of the final product.
Customisable product as per challenges and requirement
Slotted screens can be customized with different slot widths and patterns to target specific contaminants and optimize removal efficiency. This allows for greater flexibility in addressing the unique challenges of each papermaking process.
Reduced plugging
Slotted screens are less prone to plugging compared to screens with round holes, as the slots allow for better flow of pulp and reduced accumulation of contaminants. This results in more consistent operation and reduced downtime for maintenance and cleaning.
Parason has developed different wedge wires considering the wide range of screen basket applications as per:
- Open area requirement
- Slot size
- Strength
- Fiber length
Re-Chrome Plating Of Screen Baskets
Extend the lifetime of your screen basket with our re-chroming and repair service. Rebuilding your existing rotors provides substantial cost-saving benefits as well as the possibility of upgrading older OEM rotors to newer more productive and energy-efficient designs for today's demanding screening applications. Parason also offers screen bearing assembly and housing rebuilds. Screen rebuilds and upgrades are available for virtually all OEM makes and models.
Looking for Best Slotted Screen Basket?
Get the best quality slotted basket for the screening process in your pulp mill. Write us an email: or call us at +91 (0) 240-2339234/35/36/37